Granite Mikes Agenda Set

(October 8, 2018) - New Hampshire's radio and television professionals will gather in Manchester on Thursday, November 8 for their annual convention. Two seminars are planned for the afternoon and the highlight of the... Read More.

National EAS/WEA Test Postponed

(September 17, 2018) - The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) have postponed this Thursday's national test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) because of the ongoing response to Hurricane... Read More.

EAS News: 3 Items for September

(August 31, 2018) - Broadcasters need to be concerned with three items in September - and they all relate to the Emergency Alert System (EAS). 1. Sage Endec certificates (expire Sept. 24) Stations that use... Read More.

August Antenna Highlights

(August 22, 2018) - The latest update on communications law and issues is available for NHAB members in the form of Antenna, the monthly newsletter edited by Attorney Scott Flick at Pillsbury law firm. For starters, there are details about the upcoming national test of... Read More.

Lowest Unit Charge Kicks In August 28

(July 20, 2018) - During the 45-day period prior to a primary election or party caucus and the 60-day period prior to the general election, commercial broadcast stations are prohibited from charging any... Read More.